It can be one of the most subversive ways a house can be the recipient of lead build-up: dust particles.
Typically, some of the sources of lead can be from dust but also paint and soil, too.
According to the International Lead Association, lead has a sundry of uses ranging from underwater power and communication cables to combustion engine and electric vehicle batteries.
But first, we’ll cover how to deal with dust remediation, which can substantially reduce and dampen the risk of both lead generation and build-up altogether.

Doormat message by LeeGer via Wikimedia Commons.
To start, consider investing in a doormat.
Granted, this might seem like a given remedy; and indeed, many homeowners will likely have this in place. However, it is nevertheless important to realize that for every visitor who enters the house, the more potential dirt they are bringing with them in turn.
Make sure to purchase two doormats—one for outdoors and the other indoor—and clean them regularly to minimize dust build-up.

An open windowsill by Green Energy Futures via Flikr.
In keeping with this trend, we know that keeping your windows closed might seem superfluous or counterintuitive, however, this is actually a surefire way to prevent dust incursion on your living space.
Dust can intrude in different forms via pollen, mold spores and other generic airborne pollutants—all of which can accumulate on your windowsills and eventually propagate throughout your living spaces.
Our simple recommendation? Keep your windows closed, especially on windy days to prevent this from happening.

Carpeting by amarjits via Pixabay.
The next point might seem a little unorthodox, but carpet can hold an inordinate amount of dust, which then releases it into the atmosphere of your home with every step you take. Next time you are thinking about renovating your home, consider replacing the carpet with any type of hard-surface flooring you deem best.
This will make dust remediation and upkeep much easier.

Pillows on a hotel bed by Amin via Wikimedia Commons.
Moreover, removing dust from other areas of your home can become quite surprising to some, too.
By extension, dust mites are quite the persistent pests. Even if you were to wash your sheets and pillow cases consistently, there is still a solid chance there could be dust mites burrowing inside the pillow cases.
After hand washing these, take them to the dry cleaners. This method should help extirpate these with ease.

White humidifier with escaping steam by Marco Verch Professional Photographer via Flikr.
The next common problem that precipitates dust accumulation is static prevalence in the home.
Static electricity tends to increase when rooms in the house are dry, which in turn attracts dust—and almost intractably sticks to surfaces. The easiest way to remedy this is to purchase and install a humidifier that is either equipped to handle individual rooms or the entire home, depending on the situation.
Usually, you should shoot for 40 to 50 percent humidity levels throughout your home to eliminate dust and keep static levels low.

Window blinds in Bucharest by Tiia Monto via Wikimedia Commons.
Another common occurrence many homeowners fail to remember is regularly cleaning their blinds.
Just because you have an ample amount of blinds in your house—if applicable of course—doesn’t mean they don’t need to be assessed or cleaned. Dust can easily accumulate on these types of surfaces, since they are in close proximity to windows.
So make sure to consistently clean them as needed.

Cleaning an air filter by Janwikifoto by Wikimedia Commons.
Finally, cleaning your furnace filters is one of the more essential steps for extirpating dust from your household, too.
And while this task will perhaps be the most work you will have to do on this list, it is also the most essential. Furnace filters are important to change out every couple of months, but especially during the winter time because most homeowners will likely increase their heating frequency during this time.
Luckily, there are plenty of options for furnace filters on the market—ranging from pleated to electrostatic.